Polymorphism in C++

Polymorphism in C++

Having multiple forms is what the word "polymorphism" signifies. Polymorphism may be simply defined as the capability of a message to be presented in more than one form. A individual who may have many traits at once is an example of polymorphism in the real world. A man simultaneously juggles being a father, a spouse, and a worker. The same person therefore behaves differently depending on the circumstance. The term for this is polymorphism. One of the key elements of object-oriented programming, according to many, is polymorphism.

Types Of Polymorphism :

  • Compile time polymorphism

  • Run time polymorphism

Polymorphism in C++ - Simple Snippets

This type of polymorphism is achieved by function overloading or operator overloading.

A. Function Overloading

Function overloading is the term used to describe the situation where there are numerous functions with the same name but different arguments. Increasing the amount of arguments or altering the type of arguments might overload functions. To put it simply, it is an attribute of object-oriented programming that enables the provision of several functions with the same name but different arguments when a variety of tasks are given under a single function name. When overloading a function, certain Rules of Function Overloading should be adhered to.

B. Operator Overloading

The ability to provide operators in C++ a distinct meaning specific to a data type is known as operator overloading. For instance, we may concatenate two strings using the addition operator (+) for the string class. We are aware that this operator's job is to add two operands. Thus, when the operator '+' is used between two operands, it adds the operands that are integers together and concatenates the operands that are strings.

Function Overriding is used to create this kind of polymorphism. Runtime polymorphism is often referred to as late binding and dynamic polymorphism. Runtime polymorphism resolves the function call at runtime. Contrarily, using compile-time polymorphism, the compiler chooses which function call to bind to the object after deducing it at runtime.

Function Overriding

Function overriding occurs when a derived class has a definition for one of the member functions of the base class. That base function is said to be overridden.

Virtual Function

A Virtual Function is a member function that is declared in the base class using the keyword virtual and is re-defined (Overridden) in the derived class.

Some Key Points About Virtual Functions:

  • Virtual functions are Dynamic in nature.

  • They are defined by inserting the keyword “virtual” inside a base class and are always declared with a base class and overridden in a child class

  • A virtual function is called during Runtime


Polymorphism is a powerful feature of C++ that allows objects to exhibit different behaviors while sharing the same interface. Function overloading and virtual functions are the two mechanisms used to achieve polymorphism in C++. Understanding these concepts is essential for writing effective and maintainable object-oriented code.

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